Apr 6, 2022
6th April 2022
Intuition: Your First Sense
Thriver's Guilt: Episode 162
There is an unlimited amount of joy in this world. Everyone is capable of experiencing it within their life's journey. I find it condescending when someone says how can I be happy when there is so much strife in the world?
I have come to coin this as thriver’s guilt. It seemed to me when I was witnessing it in others, and myself, that it wasn't about martyrdom or victimization, but rather a feeling that it's just not okay to love your life while others are hurting. And yet we have to.
Join me for this week's episode, where I will go a little further into this topic and offer some suggestions about how to enjoy while recognizing where others may need help.
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Shareable link to the episode: https://intuition-your-first-sense.podsite.io/